Travel Therapy Jobs

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Learn how to establish and maintain your tax home to qualify for tax free stipends

Affordable coverage for healthcare travelers that you can take from agency to agency

What is a direct job?

Direct jobs are when the staffing agency has a direct relationship with the hiring manager at the facility you’re applying to. Direct jobs are typically faster to interview, quicker to give an offer, and often pay more because your staffing agency doesn’t have to pay any VMS fees.

In comparison, VMS (Vendor Management System) jobs typically require your staffing agency to pay a fee in order for you to work there. 

Why are new jobs important?

Knowing when a job is new is important because you can be one of the first to apply! Travel therapy jobs can be really competitive, so applying early increases your odds of getting an interview and offer! Look for and filter by ‘Recently Posted’ to know when it’s a new job!