Chat with a vetted travel therapy tax expert

Get peace of mind knowing your travel healthcare taxes will be done correctly. Schedule a tax home consult or file both federal and state taxes with a vetted tax expert!

Chat with a vetted travel therapy tax expert

Get peace of mind knowing your travel healthcare taxes will be done correctly. Schedule a tax home consult or file both federal and state taxes with a vetted tax expert!

We make it easy to manage your travel healthcare taxes

Chat with a vetted CPA and travel healthcare tax expert

Get answers to questions about tax homes, multi state taxes, and more

File your taxes for one low price, including free audit protection

Frequently asked questions

Taxes are hard, but getting help is easy!

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Tax home consults cost anywhere from $30-$60 dollars depending on your level of complexity and filing your taxes starts around $370 depending on how many states you worked in during that year. 

Pro tip: You get a free tax home consultation when you get a vetted recruiter match

Ps. Nomadicare makes no money if you chat with a tax pro or file your taxes through our website, this is only a resource for our travelers, not a way to make money 🙂

You betcha! After you get your questions answered by your vetted CPA, they can help you file all of your taxes for the year for one low price, including free audit protection from the IRS for no additional charge!

You will totally spend less money if you file your taxes through big box/online tax preparers. But the issue is these brands are not experts on travel healthcare, and routinely make mistakes while preparing taxes for healthcare travelers.

So you may save $50-$100 if you file with something like HR Block or Turbo Tax, but you also run the risk of having to spend even more money in the long run having a travel healthcare tax expert to fix those mistakes. 

Our recommendation? If you’ve traveled at all during the year, trust your taxes with someone who dedicates their entire business to travel healthcare taxes. Spend the extra money for the peace of mind that your taxes are done correctly! 

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